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Terms and Conditions


Terms and Conditions

These are the terms and conditions which apply to your use of any RIDE Website (the “Website”) of Goods and Services from us. You should read these Conditions carefully before using this Website, the App, or purchasing any Goods or Services from us. If you do not agree to these Conditions, you must not use this Website.

Our Website can be accessed from the domain You must be aged 13 years or over to attend any of our Classes or to use any of our facilities at the Studios. Ride does not accept the online registration of minors without the known consent of their legal guardian; please do not attempt to register on the Website if you are under the age of 13. If Ride discovers that personal information has been submitted by a minor without the known consent of their legal guardian, Ride reserves the right to delete such information.

You agree to comply with our Class rules which you can see online or displayed in all of our locations. The access rules relate to our opening hours, use of our facilities and your conduct. Instructors and Classes are subject to change. We reserve the right to refuse you access to the Studios and suspend or terminate your use of the Services if we reasonably consider that your conduct is damaging to our reputation, is in breach of these Conditions or would otherwise be in the interests of other users of the Studios or participants in our Classes.

Ride It's Your Journey